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A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome back new and returning families to Forest Park Elementary for a momentous year of learning and valuable experiences that will stretch our growth to full capacity. We are excited about many new offerings and updates, for starters new faculty and staff joining us this year:

Ms. Keely Goodson, school secretary, is our new-returning secretary. She was our school secretary 2015-2017, and we are delighted to have her back.

Ms. Jamie Hill, Second Grade Teacher, has 5 years of elementary teaching experience from South Carolina, Georgia, and Arkansas.

Ms. Juliana Reynolds, Reading Specialist, has 8 years of elementary teaching experience and a Master Degree in Administration.

David Higginbotham, Music teacher who brings with him 16 years of elementary teaching experience. He also has an active partnership with the Arkansas Symphony and traveling musical productions at Robinson.

Additionally, we will incorporate Computer Coding for 3rd-5th grade students and Robotics for 4th and 5th grade students.

Student first-floor restroom updates are in the works as a shared expense between the school operation budget and our generous PTA.

Newly revised 1st – 5th grade Agenda books will be distributed Monday, August 13th. Please read the Forest Park Handbook located inside the front cover for specific information regarding our school policies. PK and Kindergarten students will receive a copy of the handbook only.

Please read your child’s teacher letter which includes the date and time of individual Class Parent Orientations held next week. This is an excellent opportunity obtain more detailed information and ask questions pertaining to your child’s classroom.

It is an honor serve as your Forest Park Principal and build a lasting relationship with you.

Respectfully, Theresa Courtney-Ketcher, Principal

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